garrison staff
Garrison Commanding Officer (CO)
Garrison Executive Officer (GXO)
Our Commanding Officer is responsible for all operations within the Garrison and the coordination of events that occur within the Garrison's boundaries. The Commanding Officer appoints the Garrison's officers and represents the Garrison at the Legion Council and Legion Command. The Garrison Executive Officer supports and assists the Commanding Officer, who also deputises in the absence of the Commanding Officer.
Garrison Membership Liaison (GML)
The Garrison Membership Liaison's are responsible for evaluating member costumes and maintaining the Garrison’s member roster in the 501st Legion. All member information changes, corrections, and additions go through the GML.
Garrison Web Liaison (GWL)
The Garrison Web Liaison's are the primary contact, editing and responsible for the management of the members 501st Legion profile photos.
Alex B
Garrison Charity Representative (GCR)
The Garrison Charity Representative's are the primary point of contact with charitable organizations. They document our charitable activities and fundraising totals, along with publishing and promoting charity efforts to the membership and the public. They helps identify charities for the Garrison to work with and help to liaise with those charities to create troops that are tailored to their specific needs and situations.
Garrison Event Coordinator (GEC)
The Garrison Event Coordinator's work with event hosts to handle requests, verify event details, and handle all event requests for the Garrison.
Garrison Merchandising and Branding Officer (GMB)
The Garrison Merchandising and Branding Officer's oversees all Garrison merchandise operations. They ensures that all merchandise projects adhere to rules and guidelines that govern the use of images, pricing, and distribution.
Garrison Public Relations Officer (PRO)
Garrison Public Relation Officer's are responsible for materials for public information and distribution, promoting the Unit to the public through social media postings, and interview information.
Garrison Webmaster (GWM)
The Garrison Webmaster manages and are responsible for all technical aspects of the Garrison Web resources, including the Garrison Website and Forums.
Alex B
Garrison Armourers
Oversee new builds and guides the build to be constructed. Our Chief Armourer Brian McDavid, is the principal administrator for overseeing the Armourers
Armoured Calvary Detachment
Jason Fairhurst - AT-AT Drivers, AT-ST Drivers and AT-AT Commanders
Blizzard Force
Brian McDavid, Stuart Thomson - Snowtroopers
Bounty Hunters Guild
Brian McDavid, Stuart Thomson - Bounty Hunters​
Clone Trooper Detachment
Brian McDavid - Clone Troopers
First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment
Brian McDavid, Stuart Thomson - Stormtroopers
Imperial Gunnery Corps
Scott McNair - Imperial Gunners
Imperial Officer Corps
Alex Bourke - Imperial/First Order Officers, Crew, Security Bureau & Imperial Navy/Death Star Troopers
Jolly Roger Squadron
Scott McNair - TIE Pilots
Krayt Clan
Rod Lawrence - Tusken Raiders
Lynn McDavid - Jawas
Stuart Thomson, Brian McDavid - Other Denizens
Stuart Thomson, Brain McDavid - All Characters
Mos Eisley Police Department
Brian Hannah, Johnny Reilly - Sandtroopers
​Stuart Galloway - Shoretrooper
​Wayne Henderson - Scout Trooper
Stuart Thomson, Brian McDavid - Other Pathfinders
Sith Lord Detachment
​Johnny Reilly - Darth Vader (ANH/ROTS), Darth Maul, Kylo Ren
​Alan Dalgleish - Darth Vader (ESB)
Wayne Henderson - Darth Vader (ROTJ)
Stuart Thomson - Other Sith Lords
Sovereign Protectors
Brian McDavid, Stuart Thomson - Royal Guards
Special Operations
Brian McDavid, Stuart Thomson - Special Operations Troopers
Underworld Detachment
Brian McDavid, Stuart Thomson - Pirates, Gangsters, Henchmen, Thieves, Smugglers, Thugs, Scum and Villainy